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My favorite links


General information


As an individual traveler a good guidebook is absolute necessary.

You will find them here:

Lonely Planet: the world's best guidebooks, travel advice and information

Rough Guides Travel


Willgoto, World travel directory and travel guide, with special sections for the islands of the Indian Ocean and for Nepal






Peru flash slideshow

Press F11 to see the full screen. Takes time to load (16MB)

These pictures are taken by people of the Sacha Sangha.


Photo Galleries - 8000 high quality pictures of Asia, Europe and Africa, stock photography, stock photos, fine art prints



pictures of Asia at - asia pictures travel china japan india


PixelatedImage: The Travel and Humanitarian Photography of David duChemin

Really amazing pictures, especially of people. Highly recommended.

David has also a great books full of very useful hints

how to take great pictures and express your vision.

My favorite is: Within The Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision (below this page)

This book has been the INSPIRATION for me to make the SELECTIONS of my favorite pictures.

David's Blog: PixelatedImage Blog



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One Webhosting  Highly recommended!


Other favorites:

Places - Highlights Buddha Statues Camera Photo Software Links